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With a commitment to excellence and a passion for justice, we offer a diverse range of specialized legal services tailored to your unique circumstances.

Bankruptcy – An Overview

Bankruptcy is a legal vehicle that provides relief to individuals and businesses in serious financial trouble and protects their creditors to the extent possible. Generally, the bankruptcy process assesses the debtor’s assets and liabilities and provides a structure within which the debtor is allowed to keep some, and in most cases, all property and ordered to satisfy as many eligible debts as possible, according to an order of priority established by law. Remaining debts are discharged, except those of certain types, like domestic support orders, debt obtained by fraud and most tax debt and student loans. The traditional stigma of bankruptcy has faded and been replaced by the view that it is a fresh start after a time of trouble. Most bankruptcy debtors have experienced unexpected and extreme financial shocks, such as those caused by sudden events such as job loss, business failure, death, divorce or illness. In such cases, filing bankruptcy may be the right answer. If you are facing serious financial challenges, contact the Law Office of Devane, Fogarty & Ribezzo in West Warwick, Rhode Island, to schedule a consultation with an experienced bankruptcy attorney who can help you assess your legal options.

Consumer Bankruptcy

When an individual falls desperately behind in his or her debt payments, one option may be to declare bankruptcy. Bankruptcy is a legal proceeding in a federal bankruptcy court that relieves the debtor of some or all of his or her debts. While bankruptcy may not be the best option for everyone, in the right situations, it can provide people with a fresh start. A lawyer experienced in bankruptcy law can advise you as to whether bankruptcy may be the right move for you and can advise you of the pros and cons of other options that you may have.

Benefits of Bankruptcy

We always provide clients with the opportunity to get together with us again after the Bankruptcy Discharge Order is entered to look forward from a fresh start and to help steer you toward If you have yet to file for bankruptcy in Rhode Island but are seriously considering such it, you may be asking yourself — “Is there life after bankruptcy? Is there life after debt?” The answer to both questions is yes.

At the Law Office of Devane, Fogarty & Ribezzo, we want your bankruptcy efforts to succeed. We want to see your family restored to the sound economic footing you once had. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Contact us or email us to schedule a free consultation.

Mortgage payments, credit card debts, unforeseen medical bills: these concerns don’t have to be forever. You can deal with them now. That is why federal bankruptcy protections are on the books — to help those who, often through no fault of their own, have fallen on hard times.


On the other side of your Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy filing, you can look forward to:

  • An end to stress over financial problems
  • Relief of debt pressures
  • Credit repair
  • Eligibility for mortgage and motor vehicle loans
  • An end to collection abuse
  • An end to the fear of mortgage foreclosure
  • A stop to repossession of personal items
  • Prevention of wage garnishment
  • Lifestyle and budget adjustments
  • A clearer income tax picture
  • Preservation of driving privileges
  • A fresh start toward a brighter future


Our trusted Rhode Island bankruptcy attorneys have made a positive difference in many lives. We urge you toward action despite the emergence of many destructive, deceptive bankruptcy myths. We may speak for you to your mortgage lender in pursuit of a mortgage loan modification through the Court’s Loss Mitigation program.

You will come away from your free initial consultation with a definite sense of why we are different from other bankruptcy firms. We are dedicated to your financial peace of mind. Contact us today to get started.

Arm yourself with correct information and make a decision from an educated perspective. Don’t let indecision stall your chance at an opportunity for a fresh start.
Since changes were enacted to the bankruptcy code several years ago, many confusing myths about bankruptcy protection have appeared — don’t believe them!
It is your obligation to include all of your creditors (even family and friends who you can not prefer over other creditors) on your Bankruptcy Petition.

© 2025, Law Office of Devane, Fogarty & Ribezzo

Schedule a FREE Consultation

© 2025, Law Office of Devane, Fogarty & Ribezzo

Hi 👋🏼 Welcome to Devane Fogarty & Ribezzo. What kind of matter can we assist you with?

    Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

    Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

    May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

    And Email Address?

    Are you married?

    Do you have children?

    Do you have any of the following assets?

    Do you currently have a will?

    Are there any other details that you'd like me to know about the situation?

      Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

      Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

      May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

      And Email Address?

      Do you currently have a trust?


      When was the trust put into effect?

      Are you married?

      Would you like to make changes to your current trust?

      Will this be a joint trust?

      Do you have any of the following?

      Are there any other details that you'd like me to know about the situation?

        Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

        Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

        May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

        And Email Address?

        What is the disabled individual's birthday?

        Where is the individual currently living?

        Is there a guardian currently in place?

        Who is the current guardian?

        Are you seeking to establish a guardianship?

        Are you wanting to change the guardian?

        Have they been declared incapacitated by the court?

        Does the individual have a physical or mental health condition that would prohibit them from caring for themselves?

        Is the individual a danger to themselves or others?

        Does the individual require round-the-clock medical care?

        Do they have any assets?

        What is the estimated amount of the assets?

        Please type any additional details regarding this matter in the box below.

          Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

          Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

          May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

          And Email Address?

          What is your date of birth?

          What is your current occupation?

          Do you currently have a retirement plan through your employer?

          Do you have a private retirement account?

          Have you chosen a retirement date?

          YesNoNot Sure

          When will you be retiring?

          Are there any other details that you'd like me to know about the situation?

            Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

            Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

            May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

            And Email Address?

            Were there any children born of this marriage?

            Do you have a shared interest in any of the following? Please select all that apply.

            Are there any additional legal cases involving you or your spouse?

            What is the name of the other party (your spouse)?

            Please be advised that we need this information for conflict check only. We will not contact the other party.

            Are there any other details that you'd like me to know about the situation?

              Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

              Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

              May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

              And Email Address?

              What is the full name of the other party?

              Please be advised that we need this information for conflict check only. We will not contact the other party.

              Is there currently a child support order in place?

              Is one party behind on child support payments?

              Has there been a change in custody?

              Are there any other details that you'd like me to know about the situation?

                Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

                Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

                May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

                And Email Address?

                What is the full name of the other party?

                Please be advised that we need this information for conflict check only. We will not contact the other party.

                Is there currently a custody order in place?

                Is the child or children currently in your custody?

                Is there a current restraining order in place?

                Are there any other details that you'd like me to know about the situation?

                  Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

                  Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

                  May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

                  And Email Address?

                  What is the full name of the other party?

                  Please be advised that we need this information for conflict check only. We will not contact the other party.

                  Do you currently have an order for alimony?

                  Is there a past due amount?

                  How long have you been married (in years)?

                  Do you have a prenuptial or post-nuptial agreement?

                  Are there any other details you'd like me to know about the situation?

                    Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

                    Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

                    May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

                    And Email Address?

                    What is the full name of the other party?

                    Are you the Petitioner or the Respondent?

                    Has a criminal case been filed?

                    Are minor children involved?

                    Are there any other details you'd like me to know about the situation?

                      Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

                      Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

                      May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

                      And Email Address?

                      What is the full name of the other party?

                      Are there children involved?

                      What type of property is involved? Check all that apply.

                      Is there a history of domestic violence?

                      Are there any other details you'd like me to know about the situation?

                        Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

                        Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

                        May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

                        And Email Address?

                        In what state did the accident happen?

                        And the city?

                        When did the accident occur?

                        Did you suffer any injuries or are you experiencing pain from the accident?

                        What are their injuries or where are they experiencing pain? Select all that apply.

                        Did they receive medical treatment for their injuries?

                        Please take the time to type any other additional information about your matter that can help our team.

                          Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

                          Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

                          May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

                          And Email Address?

                          In what state did the accident happen?

                          And the city?

                          When did the accident occur?

                          Did you suffer any injuries or are you experiencing pain from the accident?

                          What are their injuries or where are they experiencing pain? Select all that apply.

                          Did they receive medical treatment for their injuries?

                          Please take the time to type any other additional information about your matter that can help our team.

                            Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

                            Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

                            May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

                            And Email Address?

                            In what state did the accident happen?

                            And the city?

                            When did the accident occur?

                            Did you suffer any injuries or are you experiencing pain from the accident?

                            What are their injuries or where are they experiencing pain? Select all that apply.

                            Did they receive medical treatment for their injuries?

                            What is the company name of the vehicle that was involved?

                            Please take the time to type any other additional information about your matter that can help our team.

                              Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

                              Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

                              May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

                              And Email Address?

                              When did the bite occur?

                              Where did the incident happen?

                              And the city?

                              Where did the bite take place?

                              Was the animal on a leash or somehow contained when the incident occurred?

                              Did you have permission from the owner to be in contact with the animal?

                              Did you suffer any injuries from the bite?

                              What are their injuries or where are they experiencing pain? Select all that apply.

                              Have you received medical care?

                              Please describe how the bite happened and feel free to include anything else you'd like me to know.

                                Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

                                Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

                                May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

                                And Email Address?

                                Where did the injury happen?

                                And the city?

                                When did the slip and fall occur?

                                What are their injuries or where are they experiencing pain? Select all that apply.

                                Please take the time to type any other additional information about your matter that can help our team.

                                  Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

                                  Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

                                  May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

                                  And Email Address?

                                  When did the injury occur?

                                  Where did the injury occur?

                                  And the city?

                                  What are their injuries or where are they experiencing pain? Select all that apply.

                                  Are you currently receiving treatment for your injuries?

                                  Are there any other details you'd like me to know about the situation?

                                    Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

                                    Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

                                    May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

                                    And Email Address?

                                    What type of bankruptcy are you considering?

                                    Do you have any of the following? (Please select all that apply)

                                    What type of assets do you have? (Please select all that apply)

                                    Have you ever filed for bankruptcy before?

                                    Are there any other details that you'd like me to know about the situation?

                                      Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

                                      Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

                                      May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

                                      And Email Address?

                                      Is this for a business?

                                      Do you have any of the following debts? (Please select all that apply)

                                      Do you have any open any court cases such as a foreclosure or eviction?

                                      Have you filed for bankruptcy in the last 7 years?

                                      Are there any other details that you'd like me to know about the situation?

                                        Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

                                        Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

                                        May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

                                        And Email Address?

                                        What is the current amount of debt owed?

                                        Have you negotiated a payment arrangement?

                                        Is the debt collector requiring additional fees over and above the agreed amount?

                                        Is this debt a court ordered judgment?

                                        Are there any other details that you'd like me to know about the situation?

                                          Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

                                          Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

                                          May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

                                          And Email Address?

                                          Are you the lender or the borrower?

                                          Are you an active member of the US Military?

                                          How can I help you? Are there any other details that you'd like me to know about the situation?

                                            Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

                                            Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

                                            May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

                                            And Email Address?

                                            Has the Estate been filed with the court?

                                            When did the individual die?

                                            What was the date of filing?

                                            How can I help you?

                                              Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

                                              Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

                                              May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

                                              And Email Address?

                                              What is the decedent's name?

                                              What is your relationship with them?

                                              Did they have a will?

                                              Have you filed a Probate case?

                                              Do you have other details to share with us?

                                                Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

                                                Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

                                                May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

                                                And Email Address?

                                                What is the disabled individual's birthday?

                                                Where is the individual currently living?

                                                Is there a guardian currently in place?

                                                Who is the current guardian?

                                                Are you seeking to establish a guardianship?

                                                Are you wanting to change the guardian?

                                                Have they been declared incapacitated by the court?

                                                Does the individual have a physical or mental health condition that would prohibit them from caring for themselves?

                                                Is the individual a danger to themselves or others?

                                                Does the individual require round-the-clock medical care?

                                                Do they have any assets?

                                                What is the estimated amount of the assets?

                                                Please type any additional details regarding this matter in the box below.

                                                  Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

                                                  May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

                                                  And Email Address?

                                                  Could you please tell me about the legal matter?