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There are various types of trusts designed for specific needs. At the Law Office of Devane, Fogarty & Ribezzo, we help you decide if a trust is right for you.

There are various types of trusts designed for specific needs. At the Law Office of Devane, Fogarty & Ribezzo, we help you decide if a trust is right for you.

A trust is a legal property interest held by one person for the benefit of another. The person who holds the legal property interest is the trustee. The person for whom the property is held is the beneficiary. The person establishing the trust is called the grantor. A trust can be revocable or irrevocable.

  • Revocable trusts may be changed or terminated by the grantor at any time and for any reason

  • Irrevocable trusts, once established, cannot be terminated or altered by the grantor for any reason

Trusts may be inter-vivos (living) or testamentary. Inter-vivos trusts are made while the grantor is still alive, while testamentary trusts are created by the grantor’s will and do not come into effect until his or her death.

Trusts allow trustees to direct or control property or other legal rights that are in the trusts. A trustee has a legal duty to make decisions regarding the trust property in the best interests of the beneficiary. Trustees can be held liable for any misuse or mismanagement of trust assets.

There are many different types of trusts which are designed for particular situations. At the Law Office of Devane, Fogarty & Ribezzo we can help inform you to allow you to make the decision of whether a trust is right for you.

Revocable Living Trusts

Revocable living trusts are similar in form and substance to wills. These instruments allow the creator (the testator) to transfer the title of ownership of property to the trust. During life, the testator can (and often does) remain in control of his or her assets, with the ability to sell, buy or transfer property as he or she wants. The trust also can be changed or terminated at any time by the testator.

Upon death, the property in the trust does not become part of the probate estate because title to the property is owned by the trust, not the decedent. The trustee designated in the revocable living trust will then be in charge of administering the trust and distributing property to the beneficiaries in accordance with the terms of the instrument.

Many people use revocable living trusts as a way to limit the amount of property subject to probate. Revocable living trusts are often advertised as a way to avoid probate altogether, but often they are coupled with a will that disposes of any property not specifically named in the trust.

Protection of Vulnerable Loved Ones

Special-needs trusts (also called supplemental-needs trusts) are vehicles that let us put money or assets into trusts to benefit loved ones with special needs without compromising their eligibility for governmental benefits.

Spendthrift trusts can provide support for beneficiaries who are not necessarily incompetent, but who have trouble with money management. Generally, these trusts cannot be reached by the beneficiaries’ creditors and the beneficiaries’ interests are protected from transfer.

Other Estate Planning Tools

In addition to trusts and wills, other estate planning instruments or tools you may use to execute your wishes or allow for management or your affairs or those of a loved one include guardians, special will provisions, and powers of attorney.

Guardians are people given power and responsibility by courts to meet the personal and financial needs of incompetent people. You can petition the court for your own appointment or for that of someone else to look after your incompetent loved one.

Special will provisions can be made to appoint guardians for our children and to help them manage their inheritances should we die while they are still minors. Particular planning tools can also protect our bequests to loved ones with disabilities.

Powers of attorney allow you to designate another person to make decisions on your behalf or to execute your financial plans. Powers of attorney are normally used to designate someone to make financial and legal decisions for you, but you can determine the type and scope of the power in the document. Special or Limited Powers of attorney can be designed to narrow the scope of authority conveyed. Designees can be either be named to act for us in financial matters now or in the future should we become medically incapable of doing so ourselves.

Medical Planning

Living wills are binding legal documents wherein we can provide instructions for our doctors and relatives about what medical treatment, especially life-sustaining procedures, we want (or inversely do not want) if we become incapacitated or otherwise unable to communicate our wishes.

Powers of attorney for healthcare allow us to designate health care agents such as spouses, partners, children or other trusted persons to make medical decisions for us under emergency circumstances or if you become incapacitated and cannot make the decisions for yourself.


It is best to begin your estate plan sooner rather than later. It is important to remember that wills, trusts and other estate planning documents can be modified one or more times to reflect changes in your life.

In estate planning and probate, federal law can come into play, especially in the area of taxation, but most legal issues are governed by state law.

It is important to consult with a knowledgeable attorney in your state to understand your options. You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to use probate and estate planning tools to provide a safety net for the future in case of incapacity or upon your death.

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The Trusts process can feel daunting, but with the skilled and compassionate support of an experienced attorney from the Law Office of Devane, Fogarty & Ribezzo in West Warwick, we will guide you through it with confidence.

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© 2025, Law Office of Devane, Fogarty & Ribezzo

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© 2025, Law Office of Devane, Fogarty & Ribezzo

Hi 👋🏼 Welcome to Devane Fogarty & Ribezzo. What kind of matter can we assist you with?

    Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

    Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

    May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

    And Email Address?

    Are you married?

    Do you have children?

    Do you have any of the following assets?

    Do you currently have a will?

    Are there any other details that you'd like me to know about the situation?

      Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

      Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

      May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

      And Email Address?

      Do you currently have a trust?


      When was the trust put into effect?

      Are you married?

      Would you like to make changes to your current trust?

      Will this be a joint trust?

      Do you have any of the following?

      Are there any other details that you'd like me to know about the situation?

        Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

        Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

        May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

        And Email Address?

        What is the disabled individual's birthday?

        Where is the individual currently living?

        Is there a guardian currently in place?

        Who is the current guardian?

        Are you seeking to establish a guardianship?

        Are you wanting to change the guardian?

        Have they been declared incapacitated by the court?

        Does the individual have a physical or mental health condition that would prohibit them from caring for themselves?

        Is the individual a danger to themselves or others?

        Does the individual require round-the-clock medical care?

        Do they have any assets?

        What is the estimated amount of the assets?

        Please type any additional details regarding this matter in the box below.

          Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

          Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

          May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

          And Email Address?

          What is your date of birth?

          What is your current occupation?

          Do you currently have a retirement plan through your employer?

          Do you have a private retirement account?

          Have you chosen a retirement date?

          YesNoNot Sure

          When will you be retiring?

          Are there any other details that you'd like me to know about the situation?

            Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

            Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

            May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

            And Email Address?

            Were there any children born of this marriage?

            Do you have a shared interest in any of the following? Please select all that apply.

            Are there any additional legal cases involving you or your spouse?

            What is the name of the other party (your spouse)?

            Please be advised that we need this information for conflict check only. We will not contact the other party.

            Are there any other details that you'd like me to know about the situation?

              Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

              Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

              May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

              And Email Address?

              What is the full name of the other party?

              Please be advised that we need this information for conflict check only. We will not contact the other party.

              Is there currently a child support order in place?

              Is one party behind on child support payments?

              Has there been a change in custody?

              Are there any other details that you'd like me to know about the situation?

                Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

                Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

                May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

                And Email Address?

                What is the full name of the other party?

                Please be advised that we need this information for conflict check only. We will not contact the other party.

                Is there currently a custody order in place?

                Is the child or children currently in your custody?

                Is there a current restraining order in place?

                Are there any other details that you'd like me to know about the situation?

                  Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

                  Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

                  May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

                  And Email Address?

                  What is the full name of the other party?

                  Please be advised that we need this information for conflict check only. We will not contact the other party.

                  Do you currently have an order for alimony?

                  Is there a past due amount?

                  How long have you been married (in years)?

                  Do you have a prenuptial or post-nuptial agreement?

                  Are there any other details you'd like me to know about the situation?

                    Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

                    Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

                    May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

                    And Email Address?

                    What is the full name of the other party?

                    Are you the Petitioner or the Respondent?

                    Has a criminal case been filed?

                    Are minor children involved?

                    Are there any other details you'd like me to know about the situation?

                      Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

                      Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

                      May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

                      And Email Address?

                      What is the full name of the other party?

                      Are there children involved?

                      What type of property is involved? Check all that apply.

                      Is there a history of domestic violence?

                      Are there any other details you'd like me to know about the situation?

                        Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

                        Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

                        May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

                        And Email Address?

                        In what state did the accident happen?

                        And the city?

                        When did the accident occur?

                        Did you suffer any injuries or are you experiencing pain from the accident?

                        What are their injuries or where are they experiencing pain? Select all that apply.

                        Did they receive medical treatment for their injuries?

                        Please take the time to type any other additional information about your matter that can help our team.

                          Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

                          Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

                          May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

                          And Email Address?

                          In what state did the accident happen?

                          And the city?

                          When did the accident occur?

                          Did you suffer any injuries or are you experiencing pain from the accident?

                          What are their injuries or where are they experiencing pain? Select all that apply.

                          Did they receive medical treatment for their injuries?

                          Please take the time to type any other additional information about your matter that can help our team.

                            Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

                            Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

                            May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

                            And Email Address?

                            In what state did the accident happen?

                            And the city?

                            When did the accident occur?

                            Did you suffer any injuries or are you experiencing pain from the accident?

                            What are their injuries or where are they experiencing pain? Select all that apply.

                            Did they receive medical treatment for their injuries?

                            What is the company name of the vehicle that was involved?

                            Please take the time to type any other additional information about your matter that can help our team.

                              Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

                              Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

                              May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

                              And Email Address?

                              When did the bite occur?

                              Where did the incident happen?

                              And the city?

                              Where did the bite take place?

                              Was the animal on a leash or somehow contained when the incident occurred?

                              Did you have permission from the owner to be in contact with the animal?

                              Did you suffer any injuries from the bite?

                              What are their injuries or where are they experiencing pain? Select all that apply.

                              Have you received medical care?

                              Please describe how the bite happened and feel free to include anything else you'd like me to know.

                                Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

                                Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

                                May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

                                And Email Address?

                                Where did the injury happen?

                                And the city?

                                When did the slip and fall occur?

                                What are their injuries or where are they experiencing pain? Select all that apply.

                                Please take the time to type any other additional information about your matter that can help our team.

                                  Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

                                  Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

                                  May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

                                  And Email Address?

                                  When did the injury occur?

                                  Where did the injury occur?

                                  And the city?

                                  What are their injuries or where are they experiencing pain? Select all that apply.

                                  Are you currently receiving treatment for your injuries?

                                  Are there any other details you'd like me to know about the situation?

                                    Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

                                    Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

                                    May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

                                    And Email Address?

                                    What type of bankruptcy are you considering?

                                    Do you have any of the following? (Please select all that apply)

                                    What type of assets do you have? (Please select all that apply)

                                    Have you ever filed for bankruptcy before?

                                    Are there any other details that you'd like me to know about the situation?

                                      Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

                                      Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

                                      May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

                                      And Email Address?

                                      Is this for a business?

                                      Do you have any of the following debts? (Please select all that apply)

                                      Do you have any open any court cases such as a foreclosure or eviction?

                                      Have you filed for bankruptcy in the last 7 years?

                                      Are there any other details that you'd like me to know about the situation?

                                        Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

                                        Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

                                        May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

                                        And Email Address?

                                        What is the current amount of debt owed?

                                        Have you negotiated a payment arrangement?

                                        Is the debt collector requiring additional fees over and above the agreed amount?

                                        Is this debt a court ordered judgment?

                                        Are there any other details that you'd like me to know about the situation?

                                          Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

                                          Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

                                          May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

                                          And Email Address?

                                          Are you the lender or the borrower?

                                          Are you an active member of the US Military?

                                          How can I help you? Are there any other details that you'd like me to know about the situation?

                                            Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

                                            Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

                                            May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

                                            And Email Address?

                                            Has the Estate been filed with the court?

                                            When did the individual die?

                                            What was the date of filing?

                                            How can I help you?

                                              Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

                                              Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

                                              May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

                                              And Email Address?

                                              What is the decedent's name?

                                              What is your relationship with them?

                                              Did they have a will?

                                              Have you filed a Probate case?

                                              Do you have other details to share with us?

                                                Could you briefly explain the situation for me?

                                                Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

                                                May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

                                                And Email Address?

                                                What is the disabled individual's birthday?

                                                Where is the individual currently living?

                                                Is there a guardian currently in place?

                                                Who is the current guardian?

                                                Are you seeking to establish a guardianship?

                                                Are you wanting to change the guardian?

                                                Have they been declared incapacitated by the court?

                                                Does the individual have a physical or mental health condition that would prohibit them from caring for themselves?

                                                Is the individual a danger to themselves or others?

                                                Does the individual require round-the-clock medical care?

                                                Do they have any assets?

                                                What is the estimated amount of the assets?

                                                Please type any additional details regarding this matter in the box below.

                                                  Before I ask a few more important questions about your case, may I have your Full Name?

                                                  May I also have a phone number in case we need to speak with you?

                                                  And Email Address?

                                                  Could you please tell me about the legal matter?