Rhode Island family law relies upon guidelines that assist the Courts in calculating child support. In determining the appropriate amount of support, Rhode Island Courts consider the following factors:
The financial resources, needs, and obligations of both the non-custodial and the custodial parent;
The physical and emotional conditions and educational needs of the child;
The earning potential of the parents;
Any other dependents of the parents;
Any other relevant factors.
The Law Office of Devane, Fogarty & Ribezzo has successfully represented clients in all Rhode Island Family Courts to establish, modify and enforce child support orders throughout the State of Rhode Island for over 13 years.
It is worth noting that the Rhode Island Family Court will not generally modify, suspend or terminate a child support order on its own. Therefore, it is incumbent on the parties to file the appropriate motion(s) to modify, suspend or terminate their own child support order in any given case.
Here is a link to the Rhode Island Child Support Services website.