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Probate, Family Law, & Bankruptcy Attorneys in West Warwick, Rhode Island

The Law Office of Devane, Fogarty & Ribezzo focuses on the legal matters of probate, family law, and bankruptcy for our clients in and around West Warwick, Rhode Island. Our attorneys have more than four decades of combined experience. When problems arise, we stand ready to help guide you through to a brighter future.

Call for a Free Consultation

Brian D. Fogarty & Frank A. Ribezzo, Jr.

Attorneys at Law

Brian D. Fogarty is a Rhode Island native whose passion for the law and for his clients’ well-being is unmatched. He will bring his knowledge and experience in estate planning and probate, family law, and bankruptcy to help you move forward in life.

Frank A. Ribezzo, Jr., also a native Rhode Islander, met Brian at the Roger Williams College of Law and the two partnered from that moment on. Frank will bring his diverse legal experience and passion to bear on any legal challenge you may face.

Brian D. Fogarty

Do You Need an Attorney?

The answer is yes if any you are facing challenges.

Divorce could be looming, debt may be overwhelming you, or a loved one’s estate could be going through probate court. You will need experienced legal counsel to successfully weather any of those challenges. Don’t try to face these issues alone.

When the Unexpected Happens, We’re Here for You

  • A Loved One’s Estate is Going Through Probate

    When a parent or loved one passes away, their estate faces probate court proceedings. Legal challenges may arise, and that’s when legal counsel can help resolve matters for you.

  • A Relationship Enters a Rocky Phase

    Marriages can unravel and issues of child and spousal support and division of assets can be overwhelming. Experienced legal counsel can help you reach an equitable resolution to each issue.

  • The Bill Collectors’ Calls Won’t Stop

    If debt is overwhelming you, you can stop the harassing phone calls and seek a fresh start in your life. We can guide you through bankruptcy to help resolve your financial issues.

Let Us Lead You Through Life’s Legal Challenges.

Put Your Trust in Skilled Attorneys

Extensive Experience

With so much riding on the outcome of your important legal matter, you need representation with a long and consistent track record of helping clients pursue successful results.

Knowledgeable Counsel

Working with a team of dedicated attorneys with insight and understanding of the law can give you peace of mind as you work your way through your difficult legal situations.

Clear Communication

We make it a priority to keep you updated and well-informed throughout every step of the legal process. You will have your questions answered and your concerns addressed.

Work with Us to Clear a Path to the Future

Many situations we face in life don’t necessarily have do-it-yourself solutions. Facing probate, divorce or family issues, or bankruptcy can be emotionally draining. Let us at the Law Office of Devane, Fogarty & Ribezzo take the load off your shoulders and guide you past your problems, so you can move forward with your life again.